April Fun

Happy April, ScribbleFriends!

April is one of my favorite months.  First, there’s April Fool’s Day.  The weather’s getting nicer, baseball season begins, the flowers start coming back and there’s all kinds of great things to do outside, like playing “Sardines”.

Sardines is one of my favorite games to play.  It’s kind of like Hide-n-Seek, but in Sardines only one person hides and everyone else has to count and then seek.  As each player discovers the person hiding, they have to hide in the same place with all the other players until the last player finds all of you. It’s fun with everyone trying to quietly hide in the same small space – just like  a bunch of sardine fishies crammed into a can.

Sardines are great on April Fool’s Day, too. When you go to the grocery store, ask them if they have King Oscar (which is a brand of sardines) in a can. If they do, tell them, “Well, you better let him out. He needs air!” That one always cracks me up!
What’s your favorite April Fool’s joke?  What’s your favorite game?

Your pal,

ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…

… ScribbleBunny’s pet, ScribbleTurtle! Isn’t she adorable? Do you know the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? A turtle spends most of its time in the water, while a tortoise lives in warm, dry places on land. Now you know.

You can print out this coloring page and make your own ScribbleTurtle. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in May to see!

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