August Fun
Happy August, ScribbleFriends!
I have 3 mosquito bites. I don’t like mosquitoes – at least not the girl mosquitoes, because they are the only ones that bite. I do like most other bugs. Ants are always fun to watch. They are always so busy working. It doesn’t look like it, but they’re really fast. They’ve got really tiny legs, but if their legs were as big as ours, they would be as fast as a race horse! And they’re able to lift 10 or more times their weight! Ants are like the super-powered bugs.
Caterpillars are pretty neat. I like the furry ones best. Did you know that caterpillars change into moths or butterflies? It’s like they’re changing into their secret identity! But I would have to say that lightning bugs are my favorite. They make that glow on the inside of their body and it shines through a clear part of their exoskeleton. It’s like they’ve got glow-sticks built in their chest! Actually, that’s how they made glow sticks – by copying the lightning bugs’ secret formula for making their glow!
Hey, bugs would make a good superhero team. I think I have an idea for a new comic book! I better get the crayons out!
Your pal,
ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…
…me eating a bunch of carrots! I love crunchy carrots, but only when they’re crunchy. I don’t like them when they’re cooked and mushy. How do you like your carrots? Maybe you don’t even like carrots! We all like different things, and that’s okay. What’s your favorite vegetable?
You can print out this coloring page to make your own version of me eating carrots. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in September to see!