March Fun
Happy March, ScribbleFriends! My pals and I have been playing a great new game and we want to share it with you. We call it, “What IS That?” Here’s how you play: First of all, you need a dark room with a big clear wall to make shadows on. The player who is “IT” stands […]
February Fun
Happy February, ScribbleFriends! People who know about these things say that more than a billion Valentines will be shared around the world this year. The only time more cards are sent is Christmas. I love Barbie and Scooby-Doo as much as the next guy, but I decided to make my own Valentine cards this year. […]
January Fun
Happy January, ScribbleFriends! I have a swell new game for you today: Playing Card Bingo! You’ll need two decks of playing cards for up to four players (in our case, me, ScribbleKitty, ScribbleBunny and ScribblePiggy). Each of the players gets dealt 13 cards from the same deck. The players then sort their cards face up […]
December Fun
Happy December, ScribbleFriends! We got a lot of snow in ScribbleTown today. I sometimes forget that there are plenty of places that never get snow. One winter my cousin from California came to visit us and made her very first snowman – when she was 15 years old! It was fun to watch how excited […]
November Fun
Happy November, ScribbleFriends! Fall is my favorite time of year. I love playing outside, watching the changing color of the leaves, and everyone seems to slow down just a bit. Here’s something you can do with your friends in the beautiful outdoors of autumn; go on a leaf scavenger hunt! My friends and I came […]
October Fun
Happy October, ScribbleFriends! I just read that most pumpkins are orange, but they can also be white, yellow, red, green and even blue! Pumpkins have seeds, so they’re really a fruit, but we usually call them a vegetable. In most cases, “vegetables” are the leaves, stems, flowers, or roots of a plant. In some cases […]
September Fun
Happy September, ScribbleFriends! This week my friends and I have been playing SPUD. Have you ever played SPUD? All you need is a playground ball, a place to run around, and your friends. All the players pick a different color to be their name, then everyone gathers together while one player in the middle of […]
August Fun
Happy August, ScribbleFriends! Are you bored? Then hop aboard our Boardfest! My friends and I have spiced things up this week with a special board game festival. We’ve been taking turns picking our favorite game to play each afternoon for the last week. What a blast! I got to pick first and chose The Game […]
July Fun
Happy July, ScribbleFriends! My favorite fireworks are here! Lightning bugs. Some people call them fireflies, but they really aren’t bugs or flies. Lightning bugs are actually a member of the beetle family and there are more than 125 different species of lightning bugs in North America. Each species has their own secret code. So when […]
June Fun
Happy June, ScribbleFriends! This school year has been so much fun. It’s hard to believe that another year is over. It is always nice to say thank you, but teachers are especially deserving of our thanks. Their job is an important one and sometimes we forget how much they do for us. I just finished […]