Happy July, ScribbleFriends! I love the mail. There’s something so special about getting a card or a letter addressed to you and delivered right to your mailbox. My dad says that there is both good mail and not-so-good mail, but I think anything that comes with my name on it is good mail. I’ve been […]

Happy Summer Vacation, ScribbleFriends! Finally! Summer Vacation is here! I love being outside in the summer. My favorite things to do are swim and play baseball. What fun summer things do you like to do? My pals and I use to play “Boys Against the Girls” for baseball, but the girls always won. Now we […]

Happy May, ScribbleFriends! My pal ScribbleBunny came over for dinner last night. It was fun having one of my friends as a guest at the table with the rest of my family. I even got to pick what we had for dinner! My grandma let me help her make scalloped potatoes and ham, which is […]

Happy April, ScribbleFriends! April is one of my favorite months.  First, there’s April Fool’s Day.  The weather’s getting nicer, baseball season begins, the flowers start coming back and there’s all kinds of great things to do outside, like playing “Sardines”. Sardines is one of my favorite games to play.  It’s kind of like Hide-n-Seek, but [

Happy March, ScribbleFriends! My friends and I have been having fun playing with tongue twisters. Tongue twisters are words that are hard to say when you put them together. Like, “rubber baby buggy bumpers” or “toy boat.” Try saying those five times fast. It’s not easy. I think the hardest ones we have found yet […]

Happy January, ScribbleFriends! I got a lot of great gifts for Christmas. Now I’ve been making pictures and writing thank you notes for everyone who sent me a gift. When my dad suggested that my sister and I write thank you notes, we really weren’t that excited about it. But then we got started… who […]

Happy November, ScribbleFriends! I am really, really excited because I get to celebrate my half-birthday this month!  Do you know what a half-birthday is?  It’s when you officially turn your age-and-a-half, like say 6 months after your really true 3rd birthday, then you turn three-and-a-half. I’ve found that half-birthdays are important to people who have […]

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