Happy January, ScribbleFriends! I have a swell new game for you today: Playing Card Bingo!  You’ll need two decks of playing cards for up to four players (in our case, me, ScribbleKitty, ScribbleBunny and ScribblePiggy). Each of the players gets dealt 13 cards from the same deck.  The players then sort their cards face up […]

Happy October, ScribbleFriends! I just read that most pumpkins are orange, but they can also be white, yellow, red, green and even blue! Pumpkins have seeds, so they’re really a fruit, but we usually call them a vegetable. In most cases, “vegetables” are the leaves, stems, flowers, or roots of a plant. In some cases […]

Happy August, ScribbleFriends! Are you bored? Then hop aboard our Boardfest! My friends and I have spiced things up this week with a special board game festival. We’ve been taking turns picking our favorite game to play each afternoon for the last week. What a blast! I got to pick first and chose The Game […]

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