December Fun

Happy December, ScribbleFriends!

We got a lot of snow in ScribbleTown today. I sometimes forget that there are plenty of places that never get snow. One winter my cousin from California came to visit us and made her very first snowman – when she was 15 years old! It was fun to watch how excited she was to get to play in the snow for the very first time.

I’ve heard that all snowflakes have six sides, and that no two snowflakes are exactly the same. I’ve got to wonder though, how could anyone know this is true?  I mean, who has the time to check every snowflake?

Does it snow where you live? Have you ever built a snowman, snow woman or any other snow creature?

Your pal,


ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…

… ScribbleSnow!

The hard work has been taken care of and now all you need to do is decorate your snowpal! You can draw something in the background too. Maybe you can even draw yourself and a friend making your snowpal. I like that idea!

You can print out this coloring page to make your own ScribbleSnow snowpal. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in January to see!

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