February Fun
Happy February, ScribbleFriends!
People who know about these things say that more than a billion Valentines will be shared around the world this year. The only time more cards are sent is Christmas. I love Barbie and Scooby-Doo as much as the next guy, but I decided to make my own Valentine cards this year. It’s a fun project and I think my friends are really going to like them.
My dad gave me some red construction paper and helped me cut it into smaller squares. I have stickers, markers and crayons to help me decorate the cards and now I’m writing something nice to all my friends. I think of something I really like about them and write it down. I just finished my card for ScribbleBunny. I wrote:
I like the way you share your sock puppets. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Your pal, ScribbleMonster
Would you like to make your own Valentines this year? Will you be my Valentine?
Your pal,
ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…
… Groundhog! The Groundhog needs your help making their shadow puppet. What will your shadow puppet look like? If we make shadow puppets, does that mean six more weeks of winter?
You can print out this coloring page to make your own Groundhog. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in March to see!