January Fun

Happy January, ScribbleFriends!

Have you ever gone on a sound hunt? Usually we hunt with our eyes to find things, but our teacher, Ms. Tinge, had my class hunting with our ears for sounds this week. I never knew there were so many sounds! What? Just kidding.

For our homework, each of us listed any sounds we heard at school, at home, at the park or anywhere else we went. Next to each sound we marked if what we heard was a loud, medium or soft sound. We also needed to decide if the sound was a high, middle or low range sound. The last thing we had to do was come up with a word that could describe the sound we heard. Hey, you can use Ms. Tinge’s worksheet and go on your own sound hunt! Just click HERE to print one out.

Do you think you can find enough sounds to fill the page? Have you ever gone on a smell hunt?

Your pal,


ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…

 my best friend, ScribbleBunny! I’ve known ScribbleBunny as long as I’ve known myself. He is great at making up games and songs and he’s the only person I know that has a sock collection.

You can print out this coloring page and make your own ScribbleBunny. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in February to see!

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