January Fun
Happy January, ScribbleFriends!
I have a swell new game for you today: Playing Card Bingo! You’ll need two decks of playing cards for up to four players (in our case, me, ScribbleKitty, ScribbleBunny and ScribblePiggy). Each of the players gets dealt 13 cards from the same deck. The players then sort their cards face up in front of them by suit (clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades). The second deck is used by the caller (for us, Mrs. Scribbly). The caller shuffles that deck and announces each card as it’s drawn from the top. If the caller names one of your cards, you flip it over. The first player to have all 13 cards flipped and yell, “Bingo!” wins the game.
Players can use the same cards when they start a new game, but the caller’s deck will need to be shuffled again. If you want to have more than four players, you just need more cards (you can add up to four more players with each additional deck). Oh, and keep the Jokers out (the cards, not players – ScribblePiggy!)
Do you like playing card games? What’s your favorite game to play?
Your pal,
ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…
… ScribbleSquirrel!
The weather has been quite cold. So cold that even the squirrels are wearing sweaters! ScribbleSquirrel had a hard enough time making this sweater; can you help decorate it?
You can print out this coloring page to help design the squirrel’s sweater. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in February to see!