July Fun

Happy July, ScribbleFriends!

I really enjoy July because it’s the middle of summer, so the weather is hot. Plus, we get to celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. Sometimes my family goes on vacation during July, but not every year. Does your family ever take a vacation?

This year my dad, my sister and I are driving to a campsite. My grandma is coming along, too, so it will be really fun. She is a bird-watcher and she likes wildflowers a lot, too, so she always has interesting things to teach me about nature. I can’t wait! Do you know anyone who really enjoys nature?

Do you do anything to celebrate the 4th of July? We have a big barbeque on our block with lots of good food, music and games. Sometimes the fire department will stop by and the kids get to take a tour of a real firetruck! At night, we all go to ScribbleTown’s fireworks demonstration. It’s neat to watch. I like to listen to the audience say, “Oooooh!” and “Ahhhhh!”

Happy 4th of July!

Your pal,

ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…

…my Uncle Sam! He’s my dad’s brother. You can tell because they look so much alike. My dad doesn’t wear the funny hat, though. That’s the key to telling them apart. Do you have any uncles? Do you have any aunts? Do you have any ants?

You can print out this coloring page to make your own Uncle Sam. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in August to see!

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