June Fun

Happy June, ScribbleFriends!

Brace yourself.  Today I’m going to teach you how to make your very own one-of-a-kind kazoo!

First, you’ll need to get an empty toilet paper or paper towel tube and decorate it with colored paper, stickers, crayons or markers. You could even go crazy with glue and glitter! It’s really up to you. Once you’re done with that, cut out a piece of wax or parchment paper big enough to cover one end of the tube and put a rubber band around it to hold it in place.  Then, put your mouth on the other end of the tube without the wax paper and hum.  Oooowee!  You’re making music! Say, that reminds me of a little joke:

“Who’s there?”
“Kazoo who?”
“Kazoo hum a song for me?” Tee-hee.

Do you have a favorite joke? What songs will you play on your kazoo?

Your pal,

ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…

…me! I look like I’m trying to scare a coyote. You can print this coloring page out to make your own version of me – and maybe a coyote! Who will my guest be next month? Come back in July to see.

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