March Fun
Happy March, ScribbleFriends!
My pals and I have been playing a great new game and we want to share it with you. We call it, “What IS That?” Here’s how you play:
First of all, you need a dark room with a big clear wall to make shadows on. The player who is “IT” stands in the back of the room with a flashlight. Everyone else sits with their back that player, facing the blank wall. “IT” then makes a shadow with something – a pencil, an action figure, a cup, their head, a toy train or anything else they can find in the room. Then, the “IT” player says, “What IS that?” (The more disgusted or shocked you sound saying “What IS that?” the better.) The first person to correctly guess what the shadow is wins and it’s their turn to be “IT.”
You can really fool people by holding things upside-down or making the shadows look really big by holding the object close to the flashlight.
Don’t you love playing with flashlights? Have you ever made shadow puppets?
Your pal,
ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…
… Professor Scribble! Professor Scribble loves science and is always discovering something new and interesting to share with us. He often tells us that his favorite thing about science is discovering all the things we still don’t know. Who knew?
You can print out this coloring page to make your own Professor Scribble. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in April to see!