October Fun
Happy October, ScribbleFriends!
I want a dog. Actually, I really want a monkey, but my dad says that will never happen. ScribblePiggy has a horse, ScribbleBunny has a pet turtle and ScribbleKitty has a parakeet. I have a pet rock that used to be my dad’s. Pet rocks aren’t much fun.
Apparently, monkeys don’t make good pets for the opposite reason: They’re crazy. Once they grow up, there’s no controlling a monkey. My dad says that even a monster would have a hard time taking care of a monkey. They aren’t meant to be a pet. That’s fine, but I don’t think rocks were meant to be pets either.
Which brings me back to my wish for a dog. They are meant to be a pet. The most popular pet in America? Cats. I wonder what ScribbleKitty thinks of that? Dogs are second to cats, followed by parakeets. I wonder what ScribbleKitty’s parakeet thinks of that?
Do you have a pet? If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?
Your pal,
ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…
… me and a glass of chocolate milk! Well, the glass is actually empty until you color it in. You can color in anything you’d like, but why wouldn’t you go with chocolate milk? It’s the best drink on the planet!
You can print out this coloring page and make your own ScribbleMonster. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in November to see!