September Fun
Happy September, ScribbleFriends!
My sister and I have opened our own restaurant at our home! We call it The Scribble Cafe. First we made menus by folding a piece of paper in half and writing down all of our menu choices. We offer peanut butter & jelly or cheese and turkey sandwiches served with apples, bananas or grapes. Our customers can order a salad with their meals and we have cookies and pudding for dessert. We also have all kinds of drinks to choose from: apple juice, grape juice, white milk, chocolate milk. . .
Our dad and our grandma were our first customers. I was the greeter, ScribbleSis took their orders and we both made the food in the kitchen. Grandma said the service was great and Dad left us a tip! I think it helped that we called them “sir” and “madam” a lot. We had so much fun that I think we’ll do it again tomorrow!
Would you like to play restaurant? What would your restaurant be like?
Your pal,
ScribbleMonster’s Special Guest of the Month is…
…me and my pals ScribblePiggy, ScribbleBunny and ScribbleKitty! We have been the best of friends since, well, forever. All of us are creative in different ways, and that’s a big part of the reason why we love making things together. We especially love making each other laugh.
You can print out this coloring page to make your own version of me and my pals. Who will be my next Special Mystery Guest? Check back in October to see!