Happy April, ScribbleFriends! I’ve been helping Mrs. Scribbly in her garden this week and I’ve learned a lot about plants. Did you know that there are more than 300,000 different kinds of plants that have been identified and named in the world? And scientists think there are easily more than a million additional plants out […]

Happy February, ScribbleFriends! I’ve been reading about sharks and boy, are they cool. Sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years. But even though they’ve been around longer than people, longer than trees – they were even around before the dinosaurs – scientists still don’t know too much about them. That could be […]

Happy November, ScribbleFriends! Thanksgiving Day is one of my favorite holidays. It’s a simple day, not too flashy like most of the other holidays, and everything about the day makes a lot of sense. Thanksgiving is a special day for us to give thanks for all we have. That’s why it’s called Thanksgiving. Get it? […]

Happy October, ScribbleFriends! I want a dog. Actually, I really want a monkey, but my dad says that will never happen. ScribblePiggy has a horse, ScribbleBunny has a pet turtle and ScribbleKitty has a parakeet. I have a pet rock that used to be my dad’s. Pet rocks aren’t much fun. Apparently, monkeys don’t make […]

Happy September, ScribbleFriends! My friends and I started school again this week. It was fun to see all of my classmates and to hear about their absolutely horrible vacations. Well, everyone didn’t really have an absolutely horrible vacation. They just pretended that they did.  Our teacher, Ms. Tinge, asked us to make up something awful […]

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