I’m Bored
Bored? There’s always something fun to do! ScribbleMonster has compiled a list of ideas for turning your free time into Wheetime! How many items on the list can you complete before summer ends? If you come up with any additional ideas for turning playtime into Wheetime, please share them with us on our Contact page. […]
July Fun
Happy July, ScribbleFriends! My favorite fireworks are here! Lightning bugs. Some people call them fireflies, but they really aren’t bugs or flies. Lightning bugs are actually a member of the beetle family and there are more than 125 different species of lightning bugs in North America. Each species has their own secret code. So when […]
What’s the Big Idea?
I once read a study that tried to discover why some people are more creative than others. Their conclusion? We ALL have creative ideas all day, every day. Some of us are just better than others at writing them down or doing something with them. I often marvel at the things someone had to dream […]
June Fun
Happy June, ScribbleFriends! This school year has been so much fun. It’s hard to believe that another year is over. It is always nice to say thank you, but teachers are especially deserving of our thanks. Their job is an important one and sometimes we forget how much they do for us. I just finished […]
Play Every Day
Some collaborative creative play is hard to beat. Let’s compare calendars (Playdates page) and find a date when we can share some creative musical playtime this summer! Play is important. Play is creating. Play is work. Play is learning. Play is fun – especially with friends. I hope to play with you sometime this summer! […]
May Fun
Happy May, ScribbleFriends! Did you know that the average American child spends more time in front of a screen than any other activity (besides sleeping) each year? We spend more time in front of a TV than we do in school! Did you also know that research has shown our brains turn-off when we’re watching TV? Regardless of […]
Extra! Extra!
Thanks to the Homewood-Flossmoor Chronicle for, ah, chronicling, what my pal Wimee and I have been up to – making LIVE interactive television with our audience on WGVU TV. We’ve been working (aka – playing) hard to make a traditionally passive medium a community sandbox for creative play. This article is a comprehensive record of […]
April Fun
Happy April, ScribbleFriends! I’ve been helping Mrs. Scribbly in her garden this week and I’ve learned a lot about plants. Did you know that there are more than 300,000 different kinds of plants that have been identified and named in the world? And scientists think there are easily more than a million additional plants out […]
Chocolate Milk
Our song Chocolate Milk was inspired by seeing an Ike Reilly show at Schubas then playing the same stage with ScribbleMonster shortly thereafter. I thought, “We really need a put your arm around your buddy, sing-along drinking song that creates that same fun vibe for the whole family.” There is definitely a void of festive, […]
March Fun
Happy March, ScribbleFriends! I get so excited when my calendar says that it’s March. It makes me want to march around the room. I have been known to march at the drop of a hat, so, no surprise, I guess. We do The Bedtime March every night at my house. You can play the song […]